7 Tips to Cope With Depression

7 Tips to Cope With Depression

Fighting depression, once it has established itself, is not easy because it is one of the most severe mental disorders that exist. Over time, it takes possession of the person. 

First, it kills the idea of fun for the person; then, it moves to kill the person’s interest in activities that the person previously found interesting. In the end, it leads to a loss of desire for living, and this prompts many to consider suicide as the only option. 

The depressed person not only suffers psychologically, but it also has a huge impact on the physical well being of the person. Neuroscientists have established that the brain of depressed individuals has a higher chance of suffering from inflammation. Sadly, brain inflammation is a precursor to many neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease.

The best strategy for dealing with depression is to take note of any symptoms of depression quickly. Overcoming depression, when it is just starting, is better than to combat it when it has grown deep over the years and feeds on negative behavioral patterns and habits.

Seven tips to fight depression backed by science and clinical practice

Depression is a psychological disorder, but it is not treated solely with psychological techniques. It is best to implement a multidimensional strategy that allows you to combat depression from all possible fronts.

1. Practice more physical activity

Immediately one becomes depressed; everything seems to be slow, from movement, days, hours, etc. It begins to feel as every minute is longer than usual. And the brain begins to pick this up as a normal thing, which further aggravates the situation.  Whereas, if one engages in physical activities, such as running, jogging, taking a walk, you begin to tell the brain otherwise. Many research works have established that endorphins produced during physical activities serve as a natural solution to fight depression. 

The focus here is consistency. Consistent exercise has proven to be effective for wellness. In case you need to be motivated to continue exercising, it is advisable to join a fitness group, so you will be noticed when you don’t show up for training.  

2. Structure your daily routine to regain control

It is a simple tip to combat depression, but it is more effective than one can imagine. When one is depressed, taking action becomes an arduous task. Such a simple decision like what to eat becomes overwhelming and tires us out. Thus we find comfort in avoiding such situations and kill our interest in such activity, which eventually fosters the growth of depression. 

However, having an organized day by planning out the activities you want to embark on makes it easier to overcome each day. On the other hand, not having a plan leads to a feeling of chaos and disorganization, which makes one feel lost, thus increasing your worries. Having a plan will make activities seamless and lead to a feeling of control of your life. 

3. Make sure you get enough sun

Taking a little sun is a way of coping with depression. This leads to taking in vitamin D, which the reduction in the body has been discovered to be very useful in the body. Many research works have established that when this vitamin is lower than 20ml in an individual’s body, the person stands a higher chance of being depressed.  Also, taking sun rays leads to an increase of serotonin in the body, associated with the feeling of well being.  

If you can go out to sunbathe in a park or by the sea, those beneficial effects will multiply. 

4. Take time to relax every day 

Another way to cope with depression is by relaxing. Sometimes, there is a need for you to take a break from many activities. You can embark on technology and social media detox, or take a break from work. During this period, pay attention to the voice in your head and make a conscious effort to listen to what is being said rather than trying to suppress it with another thought. When trying to overcome depression, you have to overcome the voice in your head which is the enemy stealing your peace. So it is advisable to relax your mind, stop worrying about things that have passed or things that are yet to happen, just go with the flow of things. 

5. Use your social support network

When one is depressed, the person tends to isolate his/herself from the company of friends and loved ones. These individuals tend to keep to themselves, and most times, due to being ashamed of the social stigma that comes with being seen as mentally disturbed. 

However, research carried out by several experts has revealed that those with major depression can increase their likelihood of getting well if they have adequate social support. So, even if it is difficult for you, you mustn’t shut yourself up at home: go for a walk, call that friend that you have not seen for weeks or try to meet new people.

6. Follow a regular sleep pattern

One way to combat depression is through sleeping well. Removal of waste is also vital for the brain, and when it does this, it regenerates, and this can be achieved by sleeping well. When we sleep, we are devoid of reality, and we reduce the pressure on the brain. The inability to sleep well leads to the growth of depression as one begins to think about all sorts of things. Hence, it doesn’t come as a shock that insomnia is one of the factors responsible for depression. 

Sleeping difficulty is very common among individuals suffering from depression, and it aggravates the situation of things. So, it is advisable to sleep well to improve your well being. 

7. Practice mindfulness meditation and yoga

When battling depression, there is a very little pool of activities that have proven to be as effective as mindfulness meditation. This is because the practice of mindfulness practice is not just an exercise; it is a way of life. It requires being in touch with one’s current environment, without judging past events and worrying about the future. 

Mindfulness also involves accepting feelings and emotions as they are without fighting them. With this practice, it is very unlikely for things to get to you easily; you begin to feel more relaxed about events around you.

Aside from alleviating depression, various works have shown that mindfulness also prevents relapses in the long run. If meditation doesn’t work for you, another way to combat this issue is through yoga, which aids rest and lifts the spirit.

Therefore, you must promise yourself to make use of different methods to fight depression. Also, make peace with yourself about the situation, knowing it is a stage, and there will be high and low periods. Avoid getting discouraged; what is happening to you isn’t unusual. Failing isn’t fatal; it is the inability to stand up afterward that is fatal. 

If you need to talk to someone or establish contact with a professional when dealing with depression, talk with us at Strong Minds, we are always available to listen to you.

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